I offer an online worldwide consulting service to anyone who requests information or guidance regarding subjects in my expert realm
Sometimes, a fresh approach is all you require to regain your motivation and momentum, enabling you to make those long-put-off decisions and embark on implementing life-defining changes
Second Opinion
I assist anybody who wants a better understanding of the behaviours and motivations of others in their world – at work or at home
You may be distressed or confused about the psychiatric treatment that your loved one has been prescribed – I can offer you a good understanding of the process, the diagnosis and the medications – and advise on what other avenues of treatment may be pursued.

Dr Saffer is available as a speaker or presenter, and for collaboration on any project that requires her special brand of Synthesis of Systems – scientific and mystical
She has examined medical students, presented at national neuroscience congresses, appeared on numerous TV and radio shows, taught enneagram workshops, and presented talks at schools, addiction centers, and private functions.
She has formulated original educational and self development courses, an example of which is her “Sidra Yoga” offering, where the weekly Lesson in Torah is taught through a movement and sound modality, using asanas from kundalini Yoga.
Coaches and Facilitators – I offer supervision and assistance, where an understanding of psychopathology is required, or when the behaviour or mental status of a client is confusing

In between gasping with delight and falling off my chair laughing, workshops with Shanna have always been entertaining. In addition to her burlesque take on the world and life in general, Shana is deeply thoughtful and generous with her knowledge and her humanity.
Dr Saffer has the wonderful ability to present in an animated way while successfully getting a very important message across.
She presents with great confidence and flair which is largely due to her incredible knowledge in the field of psychiatry.
She can actively engage the audience and spark thought-provoking dialogue.
Dr Saffer’s dynamic teaching-style, her clearly evident expertise in the subject-material, and her ability to pitch the content at a variety of levels, were extremely well-received, and the feedback from participants was excellent.
Dr Menachem Mazabow
Clinical Neuropsychologist
Former President of South African Clinical Neuropsychological Association