My Blog
“The trick is to care about everyone and not care what they think “
That said, if theres any specific questions you have, please let me know in the form below or via e-mail and Ill try to include an answer in a future blogpost
Personality Disorder Podcast
Risk-Taking vs Restriction : Pandemic Fatigue sets in (Authored by Tali Feinberg)
While most people understand the dangers of taking risks during the COVID-19 pandemic, many are throwing caution to the wind. What are the psychological reasons for this, and how can we enforce stricter codes of conduct? “People are fatigued. They are tired, bored,...
Free – BEST Antidepressant in a Recession
“If you feel bad - do something for someone else and you will feel good “ I’ve seen this listed in many self help manuals . I do accept this from a neuroscience basis - there’s probably an oxytocin secretion and a slight endorphin rush , and if it’s a planned...
ReStorying Wellbeing- a webinar
"If you asked me, I’d say normality is either a four- sided triangle or square circle”. So said Thomas Szasz, an American psychiatrist who wrote “ the myth of mental illness”. Circle and Square’s Dave Stevens led our hour long discussion. He explained that “ out of...
More on Mindfulness : “Wherever you go – at least get halfway there “
An old Zen proverb says , “ Wherever you go, there you are”. This statement may sound obvious, but it’s profound . We humans have the ability to “ think ourselves “ anywhere. We have a capacity to choose where to direct our attention. And if we...
Serotonin – the Humanizing Neurochemical
Serotonin and Mood Serotonin , or 5 Hydroxytryptamine, is one of three major mood- defining chemicals in the brain. It is manufactured inside certain brain cells , from a protein ingredient called tryptophan. Many ask me if Serotonin is the “happiness” chemical . Not...
Immune Dysfunction Kills in Covid but can it cause Depression?
We are learning more and more about Covid -19 - specifically about what kills. The term “ Cytokine Storm “ is used to describe a massive build up of the body’s own immune system, with an outpouring of “ fighter - molecules”. These 'soldiers' are meant to...
An Instant Mood Boost
Harvard scientist Dr Bettina B Hoeppner, has described the use of positive psychology exercises in her research papers. A study, published in the Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment, demonstrated the mood-boosting effect of certain exercises, in subjects who were...

Ask Dr Saffer
If you have any questions related to Psychiatry or mental health, please submit your question anonymously in the form below so that I may answer your question in my blog.